1. Docs


Svelte Starter Kit enables you to launch the website for you next SaaS extremely fast. It comes with prebuilt Blogging and Documentation system. So you don’t need to waster your time in building your own blog and docs, just write markdown files and ship it.

Intentionally we have left out Authentication, Payments and Email collection from this boilerplate because it increases the complexity of the project, everyone has there own way of implementing these things on the project basis.

However we do write on these topics on our blog and github to help the community.

Here is the list of all the features:


  • Light and dark theme support (flicker free)
  • 20+ pre-configured themes with DaisyUI
  • Easily customize any theme


  • SEO friendly: Meta tags, Schema Markup, etc.
  • Open Graph and Twitter Card support
  • Use Markdown, HTML or use Svelte Components
  • RSS feed support
  • Syntax highlighting with Shiki
  • Sitemap.xml for easy link discovery
  • Multiple authors support
  • Publish Unlisted posts (only accessible via direct link)
  • Builds into prerendered static files
  • Publish unlisted/private posts
  • Deploy anywhere: Vercel, Netlify, Cloudflare, etc.


  • Zero setup: Just write Markdown or HTML
  • Supports Svelte Component via Mdsvex
  • Create multi-level documentation
  • Powerful search functionality
  • File based routing
  • Builds into prerendered static files
  • SEO friendly: Meta tags, Schema Markup, etc.

UI Components

  • FAQ section
  • Pricing section
  • Pricing Comparison section
  • 3 types of Features section
  • Accordion
  • Banner
  • Dismissable Banner
  • Card with icon
  • Dismissable Cookie Banner
  • Page Loading Indicator (on top)
  • Social Share components
  • Embed Youtube